Fire Alarm Systems consist of complex, intelligent components with powerful microprocessors and software at their core. Enhancements, improvements, and changes in processors and software, with controls similar to a personal computer, provide radical improvements in dealing with some problems. These improvements are;
Today, many operators with systems older than 10 years find that their systems are no longer manufactured due to the inherent problem of the lack of available new or service-replaceable spare parts. These systems rely on outdated and sometimes unnecessary versions of operating programs for cause and effect programming functions.
Fire alarm systems are like a computer network; The components, processing, and communication technologies are very similar. Think of a tablet device or a smartphone, where the technology is constantly evolving, which ultimately leads to redundancy and obsolescence of systems. Fire alarm systems also have a structure that develops as technology develops.
For example; The standard life of an optical detector is 10 years. However, some specific manufacturers recommend a longer lifetime. Of course, it would be wrong to say that a detector has a 10-year lifespan. Detectors need to be calibrated to their environment and are highly susceptible to degradation due to environmental factors. For example, a detector placed in a very dusty environment will need to be replaced sooner than a detector in a clean environment.
For example; Depending on usage, testing, and environmental factors, the standard lifetime of a fire alarm panel battery is 4 years unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Again, the way the fire alarm system is used is very important.
As Finder fire detection and alarm systems, regardless of your service provider or system manufacturer, we can offer you a suitable solution that is technically and commercially viable.
One of our strengths is that we can offer systems and solutions that can protect existing cabling infrastructure while minimizing the impact on our customers' operations.
By choosing the right system right at the initial setup, we can gradually replace and upgrade system components throughout the system’s lifecycle. We are proud to offer you;
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